The Story Behind Tenshi Futari
We always considered ourselves to be good writers (and really good friends, too~!
^.^)--- and when we both began to take up yaoi writing... we were up for a friendly
competition. Therefore, we began writing yaoi PWPs (That's pretty redundant,
actually...) note: for those of you who are wondering, PWP stands
for "Plot? What Plot?" Soon... we began to expand on them...
and Tenshi Futari was born!
As for the name--- we were originally going to use "Satin Sheets", but when we were trying to work with one provider, it screwed us over and forced us to try a different name. Esmerelda whined about it to another friend (Who will remain nameless, since Ez is certain that this friend wants no part in this mass male-worship), and after finding that every single name was taken, this nice friend suggested "Tenshi Futari", which, in Japanese means "Two Angels" (we seriously hope).
That's the story... but wait, there's more!
One day, SW and Ez were minding their own business when they came across some really really good yaoi written by a really really cool person--- and now we've got another person thrown into the competition mix! ^____^ Welcome the Faceless Evil, folks! And the Faceless Evil also has a friend, DigistarDBZ, who's also an excellent writer... so we're expanding! ^_^
So... who are we?