The Faceless Evil


Name: Seth Paranoid, call me The Faceless Evil.
Birthday: September Eighteenth.
Pets: Two cats, Barney and Fred.
Height: 5'6"
Eye color: Brown.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Piercing: One. At the top corner of my right ear.



Been in love?: Only with my Bishounen. *-*
Been toilet-papered?: My house, or me? In either case, no. I'm very loveable.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?:  ;_; S.. S.. Sephiroth!!


Croutons or Bacon Bits?: Bacon bits. Mm.. meat. *rimshot*
2 doors or 4 (on a car)?: I don't think it really matters. The car I'm getting is a two-door.
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper? I don't recall ever having Mr. Pibb in my life!
Blanket or Stuffed Animal: Blanket^^
Shampoo or Conditioner: I really like how conditioner makes your hair siiiilky. *-*
Bridges or Tunnels?: Tunnels. Down.. deep below the Earth's surface. Were the Smurfs plot their revenge. @.@
One pillow or two: I sleep with ten. I'm a pillow slut.


Salad Dressing: Thousand Island.
Number: 5 and 12.
Color of Socks: I don't wear socks.
Memory: Perhaps my discovery of my love for Bishounen.
Food: Cheese, and Pie.
Ice cream: Homemade Strawberries and cream.
Perfume/Cologne: I like my perfume like my men, fruity.
Song at the moment: So many. But if I had to choose at the moment, "Head like a hole", Nine Inch Nails.
Toothbrush: None. Ugh, I hate those things.
Subject in School: Math.
Book: I can't remember.
Color: Black.
Alcoholic drink: Sparkling Cider. I know.. I know.. I don't drink though.
Sport to Watch: Baseball. ^-^
Movie: Jeffery, The Matrix, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Country Song: AH HA! .. never. x.x;
Disney Character: Disney is.. hm.. how could I put this delicately.. EVIL!


Am I dating anyone: Nope. No good guys around.
Do I Drink?: I doubt the Church wine counts.
What do I think of Ouija boards?: Eee! Freaky!
Where do I see your self in 5 years?: In the arms of a silver-haired
Bishounen. *-* *swoon*
Have I ever been convicted of a crime?: I was never convicted! MWA HA HA! Er.. I'm a good boi..
What type of car do I currently drive? I will soon own a red Toyota Tercel.. hm.. gimme money now.
What do I do most often when you are bored?: Write, or read Yaoi. DO NOT QUESTION ME FURTHER!
Humiliating Moment: I am never humiliated! Ah .. heh ..
Loudest person: My friend Drakkon. She's loud in a good way. ^-^

(Stuff I added in)

Favorite Pairing:  *-* Oh Lord, so MANY! You want me to make a list?! Here it goes. Sephiroth/Kojiro, Vincent/Cid, Sephiroth/Vincent, Sephiroth/Cloud, Rufus/Reno, Sephiroth/Rufus, Vincent/Reno, Zelgadis/Xelloss, Xelloss/Valgarv, Gourry/Zelgadis, Gourry/Zangulus, Xelloss/Gourry, Heero/Duo, Duo/Quatre, Zechs/Heero, Zechs/Wufei, Flea/Magus, Myotismon/Flea, Myotismon/Angemon, Nuriko/Hotohori, Nakago/Tamahome, Tasuki/Nuriko, Tasuki/Kouji, Hotohori/Nakago, Kojiro/Takeshi, Kojiro/Shigeru, Kojiro/Butch. *gasps for breath* I think that covers it.
Favorite Men: See above. That's them!
Most Interesting Pairing: Dear me, probably Flea/Myotismon. Imagine the batty, fruity cross-dresser and the evil vampy guy.It's just, so interesting you've got to break it down to find out what's going on there.