Name: Laura, but I refuse to disclose my last name. Just call me... DigistarDBZ. (Sakura Blossoms fall) Birthday: April 4th, 1985 Pets: One- A Westie named Genny Height: 5'8" Eye color: Blue-grey Hair Color: brunette Piercing: NEVER!! (grasps ears) you're NEVER getting those things on MY ears!! Glasses: You betcha! The prettiest pair you ever did see. ^^ HAVE I EVER...? Been in love?: A few little crushes, but I'm not about to make any comitments! Been toilet-papered?: ...Am I supposed to know this? Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? <sniff> KAIOU-SAMAAAA!!!! Why did you have to get blown up?? <sob> THIS? Or THAT? Croutons or Bacon Bits?: Both, baby! 2 doors or 4 (on a car)?: 4 doors. The more, the merrier. Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper?: Neither. PEPSI!! Blanket or Stuffed Animal: ::glomp:: Bunny, my 14-year-old stuffed bunny.. Shampoo or Conditioner: Both- that's why I use Pert Plus Bridges or Tunnels?: Both. One pillow or two: One, but when I'm sick, two. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE... Salad Dressing: Ranch Number: 21 Color of Socks: White or Blue Memory: The day I went to Wet N' Wild... Food: Potatoes Ice cream: Chocolate Perfume/Cologne: Both, but Cologne is preferred. Song at the moment: "All I Want to do is Make Love to You" by Heart Toothbrush: Electric ones. They get all the crud out of your teeth without too much work.. Subject in School: ART CLASS!! :D Book: "Hatchet" by Rob Paulsen Color: ALL shades of Blue... Alcoholic drink: Uhh.. I can't drink yet... Sport to Watch: Wrestling- on occasion, of course... Movie: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" Country Song: "Thunderroll" by Garth Brooks Disney Character: The Gargoyles from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".. ^_^;; Mushuu from "Mulan", too! RANDOM QUESTIONS Am I dating anyone: Nope- I'm single and proud of it! Do I Drink?: When I'm 21, maybe... What do I think of Ouija boards?: Are they REALLY tools of the Devil? Where do I see myself in 5 years?: Working at a Japanese Anime Studio... Have I ever been convicted of a crime?: Unless stealing the teacher's sticky-tack is a crime... What type of car do I currently drive?: I'm going to get a Learner's permit soon... What do I do most often when you are bored?: Draw, draw, DRAW. Humiliating Moment: When I flashed my "Thursday" underwear to the Church on Christmas Eve... (I WAS 3, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!) Loudest person: My sister in a good OR bad mood...
Yaoi Favorites: Favorite Pairing: Lessie.... Jeice/Burter (DBZ), Freeza/Cell (DBZ), Piccolo/Gohan (DBZ), Kaiou-sama/Gokou (DBZ), WarGreymon/MetalGarurumon(Digimon), Koushirou/Jyou (Digimon), and Myotismon/Piedmon (Digimon). Favorite Men: Kaiou-sama, Chioutzu, Dende, Gokou, The WHOLE Ginyu Toksentai, Gomamon, WarGreymon, Piedmon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, MetalSeadramon, Myotismon, Wizardmon, Motimon, Jyou, Koushirou Most Interesting Pairing: A tie between Jeice/Buter, and Piedmon/Myotismon... Scary, ne? O.O Favorite Quotes:
"I've got you, my pretty. And your little cat, too."-Myotismon, "Wizardmon's Gift"
"Open it- It's probably just spam."- Taichi, "Prisoner of the Pyramid"
"I can also play a really mean saxophone!"- Puppetmon, "Etemon's Comback Tour"
"Chew on THIS!" "I'm not hungry." Piedmon and MagnaAngemon respectively,- "Piedmon's Last Jest"
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